A downloadable game

It's an indie single player top down platform game, designed for pocket console Playdate. 

The main character is floating through paths of clouds high above the ground, finding their way through obstacles and reflecting on their life through memories brought by encountered items. 

As a young adult, they struggle with finding their way into adolthood. It's especially hard because of their additional difficulties, like economic problems, social anxiety, neurodiversity, or being a queer person. Objects found on their road symbolize these problems, but sometimes also point to good memories or helpful utilities in fighting obstacles.

The player needs to overcome obstacles on the way to the top and find all the objects hidden within the clouds to uncover the story and decide if the main character will stay within the clouds or come back to the everyday struggles.

To fight different types of dangerous clouds you can use some objects carrying not only memories but also helpful utilities!

The game contains mention of police violence, social anxiety, and other mental disorders.


Tash - Producer / PM, Game design, Scripting
Kosmo - Narrative design, Level design
Vince - Art & Animation, Story
Olek - Scripting

Game developed for Uncrank'd Game Jam. It's our first game and we are still working on it and planning to add some more mechanics and story!


Cloudly Aware.zip 141 kB

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